Підручники, енциклопедії, атласи та робочі зошити з загальної біології, ботаніки, зоології, фізіології та мікробіології кращих видавництв США та Великої Британії.
Ознайомитись із даним зібранням можна, звернувшись до відділу комплектування фондів та наукової обробки літератури бібліотеки Центральноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка.
28.070 E46

Elliot, William H.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / W. H. Elliot, D. C. Elliot. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. - 437 p.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology covers topics of current special interest as well as more traditional areas in biochemistry. There is an emphasis on biological aspects of biochemistry and new topics are introduced in their biological context wherever possible. As well presenting core material on the structure of proteins and membranes, metabolism, and information storage and utilization, the text also surveys the immune system, viruses and viroids, and the disparate enzymic protective mechanisms in the body. Areas of special current importance such as metabolic regulation, cell-cell signalling, and control of gene expression are given appropriate emphasis in separate chapters.
28.0 F40

Ferl, Robert J.
Biology: The Realm of Life / R. J. Ferl, R. A. Wallace, G. P. Sanders. - 3rd ed. - New York : Harper Collins, 1996. - 872 p.
The most obvious change, especially to those who used the last edition of Realm of Life, is in the table of contents. Tht new organization is more reflective of the way biology is taugh today. Part I introduces the basic chemistry of science. Part II covers genetics and molecular biology. Part III combines evolution and diversity in a logical sequence. Part IV and V explore the principles of botany and zoology, respectively. Part VI covers behavior and ecology, from the fundamentals to the late breaking issues.
28.0 J74

Jonson, Michael D.
Human Biology. Concepts and Current Issues / M. D. Jonson. - San Francisco : Benjamin Cummings, 2001. - 563 p.
Chapters: The Human Biology, Science and Society; The Chemistry of Living Things; Structure and Function of Cells; From Cells to Organ Systems; The Skeletal System; The Muscular System; Blood; Heart and Blood Vessels; The Immune System and Mechanisms of Defence; The Respiratory System: exchange of Gases; Teh Nervous System - integration and control; Sensory Mechanisms; The Endocrine System; The Digestive System and Nutrition; The Urinary System; Reproductive Systems; Cell Reproduction and Differentiation; Cancer; Genetics and Inheritance; Development and Aging; Evolution and the Origings of Life; Ecosystems and Human Populations.
28.081 K24

Kaufman, Donald G.
Biosphere 2000: Protecting our Global Environment / D. G. Kaufman, C. M. Franz. - 3-rd ed. - Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall / Hunt Publishing Company, 2000. - 596 p.
This book is an environmental primer, a foray into the workings and the wonders of the Earth and the problems that beset it. It is written for use in introductory environmental science college courses or in general ecology courses with an environmental emphasis, but it contains a message and information for all individuals and communities. Throughout the text, we emphasize three themes.
First, despite the scope and gravity of environmental problems, we find reason to hope.
A second major theme of the book is that environmental problems, although complex, can be solved through the use of an interdisciplinary problem-solving model.
A third important theme of the text is that many problems can be avoided altogether through environmentally sound resource management.
28.0 L63

Lewis, Ricki
Beginnings of Life / R. Lewis. - 2-nd ed. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1992. - 422 p.
Overview of Biology.
Cell Biology.
Reproduction and Development.
28.0 L63

Lewis, Ricki
Beginnings of Life / R. Lewis. - 2-nd ed. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1995. - 126 p.
This Student Study Art Notebook is packaged free with each new copy of Beginnings of Life, Second Edition and can be used to take notes during lectures. On each notebook page, there are two figures faithfully reproduced from the original textbook figure. Each figure also corresponds to each of the 183 acetates available to instructors with adoption of the text.
28.0 M12

McFadden, Carol H.
Biology: an Exploration of Life / C. H. McFadden, W. T. Keeton. - New York : W. W. Norton and Company, 1994. - 996 p.
The Chemical and Cellular Basis of Life.
The Perpetuation of Life.
The Biology of Organisms.
The Biology of Populations and Communities.
The Genesis and Diversity of Organisms.
28.0 P94

Pruitt, Nancy
Biolnquiry: Making Connections in Biology / N. L. Pruitt, L. S. Underwood, W. Surver. - New York : John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 2003. - 604 p.
Biolnquiry it is not a textbook, it is a learning system. Chapters:
Biology. Evolution. Mendelian Genetics. Cells. Chromosomes. Molecular Biology. Biotechnology. Population Genetics. Biodiversity. Bioenergetics. Animal Physiology. Human Physiology. Plant Form and Function. Behavior. Population Ecology. Ecology.
28.0 S82

Stern, Kingsley R.
Introductory Plant Biology / K. R. Stern. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1979. - 537 p.
This book is designed as an introductory text in botany. It assumes little knowledge of the sciences on the part of the student. It includes sufficient information for some shorter introductory botany courses open to both majors and nonmajors, but it is arranged so that certain sections - for example, "Early History and Development of Plant Study", "Soils", "Division Psilotophyta" - can be omitted without disrupting the overall continuity of the course.
28.0 S89

Starr, Cecie
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life / C. Starr, R. Taggart. - 8-th ed. - Belmont, CA : Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998. - 920 p. + CD.
Principles of Cellular Life.
Principles of Inheritance.
Principles of Evolution.
Evolution and Diversity.
Plant Structure and Function.
Animal Structure and Function.
Ecology and Behavior.
28 S89

Starr, Cecie
Biology : concepts and applications / C. Starr. - Brooks / Cole. Thomson Learning, 1999. - 788 p.
This book is a coherent account of the sweep of life's diversity and its underlying unity, although we structured it in such a way that teachers can easily and selectively assign chapters from it. The book highlights concepts, current understandings, and research trends for all major fields of inquiry. Through examples of problem solving and experiments, it shows the power of thinking critically. It explains the structure and function of a broad sampling of organisms in enough detail so students can develop a working vocabulary about life's parts and processes.
Principles of Cellular Life.
Principles of Inheritance.
Principles of Evolution.
Evolution and Diversity.
Plant Structure and Function.
Animal Structure and Function.
Ecology and Behavior.

28.1 T99

Tyler, Donald Earl
Paleolithic Artifacts of American Early Man / D. E. Tyler. - Ontario, Oregon : Discovery Books, 2007. - 68 p.
28.5 B18

Balbach, Margaret
A Laboratory Manual for Botany / M. Balbach, L. C. Bliss. - 7-th ed. - USA : Harcourt College Publishers, 1991. - 413 p.
The 1991 issuance of this seventh edition of A Laboratory Manual for Botany marks forty-one years of publication of this manual. While the general organization of the manual is the same as that of the sixth edition, there are many new features. Foremost among these are several new figures, redrawings of many old figures and a new exercise on ecology with application to environmental topics.
Part I. Structure and Function of Seed Plants
Part II. Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Life Cycles: Their Significance
Part III. Genetics, Ecology, and Taxonomy
57.026 B60

Biomes and Ecosystems : in 4 vol./ ed. R. W. Howarth. - Ipswich, Massachusetts : Grey House Publishing, 2013. - Vol. 1. -1- 208 p.
In organizing this book the editors have targeted a consensus and have produced a work that presents five major categories of boimes as Overviews (Part 1) and some 500 ecosystems as Articles (Part 2).
57.026 B60

Biomes and Ecosystems : in 4 vol./ ed. R. W. Howarth. - Ipswich, Massachusetts : Grey House Publishing, 2013. - Vol. 2. - 208-636 p.
Articles: Acacia-Commiphora Bushlands and Thickets - Guyanan Savanna.
57.026 B60

Biomes and Ecosystems : in 4 vol./ ed. R. W. Howarth. - Ipswich, Massachusetts : Grey House Publishing, 2013. - Vol. 3. -637- 1032 p.
Articles: Hauraki Plains Wetlands - Pyramid Lake.
57.026 B60

Biomes and Ecosystems : in 4 vol./ ed. R. W. Howarth. - Ipswich, Massachusetts : Grey House Publishing, 2013. - Vol. 4. - 1033-1436 p.
Articles: Qilian Mountains Subalpine Meadows - Zapata Swamp.
28.5 M41

Mauseth, James D.
Botany : an introduction to plant Biology / J. D. Mauseth. - 30-rd ed. - Sudbury, Massachusetts : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2003. - 848 p.
Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology. Third Edition provides an updated, thorough overview of the fundamentals of botany. The topics and chapters are organized in a sequence that is easy to follow, beginning with the most familiar - structure - and proceeding to the less familiar - metabolism - then finishing with those topics that are probably the least familiar to most beginning students - genetics, evolution, the diversity of organisms, and ecology.
New to the Third Edition Plants and People boxes are redesigned to help students understand how plant biology differs from human biology.
28.6 H65

Hickman, Cleveland P.
Animal diversity / C. P. Hickman, L. S. Roberts. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1995. - 392 p.
Animal Diversity inverstigates the core of zoology within a realistic framework. This text presents a survey of the animal kingdom with emphasis on diversity, evolutionary relationships, functional adaptations, and environmental interactions. It is tailored for the restrictive requirements of a onesemester or one-quarter course and is appropriate for both nonscience majors as well science majors.
28.6 H65

Hickman, Cleveland P.
Animal diversity / C. P. Hickman, L. S. Roberts, A. Larson. - 3-rd ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2003. - 447 p.
This third edition of Animal Diversity presents a survey of the animal kingdom with emphasis on diversity, evolutionary relationships, functional adaptations, environmental interactions, and certainly not least, readability. We also continue with several pedagogical aids for students: opening chapter dialogues that relate a theme or topic drawn from the chapter; chapter summaries and review questions to aid student comprehension and study; accurate and visually appealing illustrations; in-text derivation of generic names; chapter notes and short essays that enhance the text by offering interesting sidelights to the narrative; pronunciation of taxa in the tables of classification; and extensive glossary providing pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms used in the text.
28.693.3 K21

Kardong, Kenneth V.
Vertebrates: comparative Anatomy, function, evolution / K. V. Kardong. - 2-nd ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill, 1998. - 747 p.
Origin of Chordates
The Vertebrate Story
Biological Design
Life History
Skeletal System
The Muscular System
The Respiratory System
The Circulatory System
The Digestive System
The Urogenital System
The Endocrine System
The Nervous System
Sensory Organs
28.6 S82

Starr, Cecie
Animal Structure and Function. Biology. The Unity and Diversity of Life / C. Starr, R. Taggart ; ill. L. Starr. - 10-th ed. - USA ; Thomson Learning, Inc., 2004. - 803 p.
Principles of Cellular Life
Principles of Inheritance
Principles of Evolution
Evolution and Biodiversity
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
Plant Structure and Function
Animal Structure and Function
Ecology and Behavior
28.7 G69

Gould, Richard A.
Man's Many Ways: The Natural History Reader in Anthropology : Includes bibliographical references / R. A. Gould. - 2-nd ed. - New York : Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. - 252 p.
This lively and exceptionally well illustrated collection of articles by prominent anthropologists communicates the excitement pf doing anthropological research while it provides a broad and well-organized overview of the field. Unabridged articles drawn from Natural History magazine offer rich and vivid accounts of recent fieldwork in many important areas of anthropological research. People examined range from the desert Aborigines of Australia and the Jivaro Indians of South America to the women of rural Greece.
The Second Edition includes a new section devoted to fossil man, which examines current ideas about the relationship between cultural and biological factors in evolution, and a new article, Guns of the Tau Sug, that rounds out the section on development and underdevelopment. The editor's introductions for each section underscore the anthropological importance of the material presented.
28.7 K77

Kottak, Conrad Phillip
Mirror for Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology / C. P. Kottak. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996. - 317 p.
Mirror for Humanity is intended to provide a concise, relatively low-cost introduction to a field, in this case cultural anthropology. The combination of shorter length, lower cost, and readability should expand the instructor's options for assigning varied additional reading - case studies, ethnographic monographs, readers, and other supplements. This book may also work well in a quarter system, if traditional cultural anthropology texts have proved too long for a one-quarter course.
28.8 C52

Chiras, Daniel D.
Human Biology: Health, Homeostasis, and the Environment / D. Chiras. - 30rd ed. - Sudbury, Massachusetts : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1999. - 611 p.
Human Biology: Health, Homeostasis, and the Environment is written for the introductory human biology course. This book explores the biology of human beings. It e[amines the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs that make up our bodies. The central theme of this book is homeostasis - a kind of internal balancing act that is vital for our survival.
28.8 F96

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 5/e : Student Lecture Notebook and Study Companion. - Prentice Hall, Inc., 2002. - 300 p.
This Student Lecture Notebook and Study Companion is designed to be a valuable resource that will help you do your best in this anatomy and physiology course.
Each chapter begins with a Chapter Outline and Chapter Objectives from the text. If your study focuses on this outline and understanding and being able to answer the chapter objectives, you will most likely be prepared for the course tests. Additional help - including self-grading quizzes - is available on the web site that accompanies your text.
Key illustrations from the textbook and the Instructor's Transparency Set are reproduced in this notebook. Because you won't have to redraw the art in class, you can focus your attention on the instructor's lecture and take your notes in this book. Leave all of your notes together or remove them and organize them by chapter with your System Edition text.
28.86 J13

Jacob, S.
Atlas of Human Anatomy / S. Jacob ; ill. A. Wiiliams ; photo M. A. Turton. - London : Churchill Livingstone, 2002. - 252 p.
This atlas includes almost 500 colour photos and line drawings to present a concise, highly illustrated guide to human anatomy.
Use this atlas as a primer for practical anatomy classes, as an accessible guide to the subject during anatomy courses and as a revision aid prior to exams.
28.86 M35

Martini, Frederic H.
Fundamentas of Anatomy & Physiology. Applications Manual / F. H. Martini, K. Welch ; ill.: W. C. Ober, C. W. Garrison ; photogr. R. T. Hutchings. - 4-th ed. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 1997. - 237 p.
Applications Manual for Fundamentals of Anatomy & Phisiology has been revised to include updated information and illustrations while at the same time retaining the features that have made it such a popular supplement for instructors and students.
An Introduction to Diagnostics discusses the basic principles involved in the clinical diagnoses of disease states.
Applied Research Topics considers principles of chemistry and cellular biology that are important to understanding, diagnosis, and treating homeostatic disorders.
The Body Systems section is organized to parallel the text, chapter by chapter and system by system. Included are more detailed discussions of many clinical topics introduced in the text, as well as discussions of additional diseases, syndromes, and diagnostic techniques not covered in the text. Critical Thinking questions and Clinical Problems, ried to the body system discussions, extend the text's three-level learning system to help develop powers of integration and analysis.
The Case Studies provide further opportunities for problem-solving in realistic clinical situations. The studies presented, based on actual case histories, draw on material from the entire text. Accompanying questions focus attention on the relevant facts and guide the formation of plausible hypotheses.
The Scanning Atlas of photographs produced by various modern imaging techniques makes it possible to view the interior of the human body, section by section. These images promote a better understanding of the three-dimensional relationships within the body. The Scanning Atlas includes a number of unlabeled images that students can label to test their knowledge of anatomical structure and powers of visualization.
The Cadaver Atlas contains 40 pages of full-color anatomical photographs by Ralph Hutchings. A selection of surface anatomy photographs of live models is included for comparison with the dissection views.
28.86 M35

Martini, Frederic H.
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology / art coord. W. Ober. - 5-th. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 1998. - 1101 p.
The Chemical Level of Organization
The Cellular Level of Organization
The Tissue Level of Organization
The Integumentary System
Oseous Tissue and Skeletal Structure
The Axial Skeleton
The Appendicular Skeleton
Muscle Tissue
The Muscular System
Neural Tissue
The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
The Brain and Cranial Nerves
Integrative Functions
The Autonomic Nervous System
Sensory Function
The Endocrine System
The Heart
Blood Vessels and Circulation
The Lymphatic System and Immunity
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
Metabolism and Energetics
The Urinary System
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
The Reproductive System
Development and Inheritance

28.86 P32

Patt, Gail R.
Human Anatomy & Physiology : student's study manual to accompany Van Wynsderhe, Noback, and Carola / G. R. Patt. - 30rd ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003. - 413 p.
This manual was written to help students become active, repetitive learners - in effect to learn how to learn. When used properly, in combination with text and lectures, it will guide you toward mastery of the subject.
28.86 S81

Starr, Cecie
Human Biology / C. Starr, B. McMillan. - Belmont : Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995. - 527 p.
Body Systems and Functions
Principles of Inheritance
Evolution and Ecology
28.86 T45

Thibodeau, Gary A.
Anatomy and Phisiology / G. A. Thibodeau. - St. Louis : Times Mirror / Mosby College Publishing, 1987. - 813 p.: ill.
The Body as a Whole
Support and Movement
Communication, Control, and Integration
Respiration, Nutrion, and Excretion
Defense and Adaptation
28.903 F83

Fox, Stuart Ira
Human Physiology / S. I. Fox. - 6-th ed. - Boston : WCB ; McGraw-Hill, 1999. - 731 p.
This text is designed to serve the needs of students in an undergraduate physiology course. The Beginning chapters introduce basic chemical and biological concepts to provide these students - many of whom do not have extensive science backgrounds - with the framework they need to comprehend physiological principles. In the chapters that follow, the material is presented in such a way as to promote conceptual understanding rather than rote memorization of facts. Every effort has been made to help students integrate related concepts and to understand the relationships between anatomical structures and their functions.
Abundant summary flowcharts and tables serve as aids for review. Beautifully rendered illustrations, with a functional use of color, are designed to enhance learning. Health applications are included throughout the text to heighten interest, deepen understanding of physiological concepts, and help students relate the material they have learned to their individual career goals. In addition, various other pedagogical devices are used extensively to add to the value of the text as a comprehensive learning tool. These devices are discussed in detail under the healing "Learning Aids - A Guide to the Student".
28.903 F83

Fox, Stuart Ira
Human Physiology / S. I. Fox. - 7-th ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 728 p. + CD-ROM
That the new edition incorporates many new physiological concepts may come as a surprise to people who are unfamiliar with the field.
New information on: stem cells, enzyme activation, free radicals and antioxidiants, extracellular matrix, matrix metalloproteinases, neural stem cells, cannabinoids, olfactory processing, orphan receptors, smooth muscle contraction, mast cells, cytokines, asthma, pulmonary receptors, pacemaker cells in the intestine, Viagra action.
28.903 F83

Fox, Stuart Ira
Human Physiology : Laboratory guide / S. I. Fox. - 9-th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003. - 418 p.
The ninth edition is a standalone human physiology manual that can be used in conjunction with any human physiology textbook.
This laboratory guide is best used in conjunction with textbook Human Physiology, seventh edition, by S. I. Fox (2002).
28.903 G97

Guyton, Arthur C.
Human Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease / A. C. Guyton, J. E. Hall. - 60th ed. - Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders Company, 1997. - 737 p.
This textbook is written for those students who do not have the time to study one of the more formidable books and yet require more than the usual college introduction to the physiology of the human body. These include medical students, dental students, pharmacy students, other paramedical students in all fields, and many biology students.
In general, the types of material presented are threefold: first, the basic fundamental principles of life itself, beginning with physical, chemical, and molecular laws of cellular function; second, the special concepts and principles necessary for understanding the overall integrated function of the human body; and, third, multiple illustrative examples of how physiological function can become abnormal in human disease conditions.
28.903 R20

Randall, David
Eckert animal physiology: Mechanisms and adaptations / D. Randall. - 5-th ed. New York : W. H. Freeman and Company, 2002. - 736 p.
The basic principles and mechanisms of animal physiology form the central theme of this book, originally the product of the fertile mind of Roger Eckert. Eckert Animal Physiology presents the essential background material in early chapters, making it possible for students to review this material on their own if need be and move on quickly to the substance of animal function and to an understanding of how scientists develop knowledge by experimentation.
28.903 R53

Rhoades, Rodney
Human Physiology / R. Rhoades, R. Pflanzer. - 3-rd ed. - Orlando : Saunders College Publishing, 1996. - 978 p.
Human Physiology. Third Edition, develops and explains these underlying principles and concepts while acknowledging the excitement of unsolved problems. The Third Edition, more than previous ones, presents important current questions in physiological and biomedical research and provides the background tools for approaching these problems with possible solutions.
Cellular Functions
Physiological Control Systems
Integrative Organ Functions
52.64 B64

Black, Jacquelyn G.
Microbiology: Principles and Explorations / J. G. Black. - 4-th ed. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 1999. - 786 p.
This book meets the needs both of students of the health sciences and of students majoring in biology. The book is designed to serve both audiences - in part by using an abundance of clinically important information to illustrate the general principles of microbiology and in part by offering a wide variety of additional applications.
52.64 N45

Nester, Eugene W.
Microbiology: A Human Perspective /E. W. Nester... [et al]. - 3-rd ed. - Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2001. - 820 p.
Life and Death of Microorganisms
The Microbial World
Microorganisms and Humans
Infections Diseases
Applied Microbiology

53.51 B18

Balch, James F.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing / J. Balch, P. A. Balch. - New York : Avery Publishing Group, 1997. - 600 p.
This is a comprehensive in-home guide that will help you achieve and maintain the highest level of health and fitness through careful dietary planning and nutritional supplementation. Written by a certified nutritionist and a medical doctor, this book blends the latest scientific research with traditional treatments. It provides all the information you need to design your own personal nutritional program.
57.0 H99

Hyde, Janet Shibley
Understanding Human Sexuality / J. S. Hyde. - 5-th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 1994. - 769 p.
Contents: Sexuality in Perspective; Theoretical Perspective on Sexuality; Sex Research; Sexual Anatomy; Sex Hormones and Sexual Differentiation; Menstruation and Menopause; Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth; Contraception and Abortion; The Physiology of Sexual Response; Thechniques of Arousal and Communication; Sexuality and the Life Cycle; Attraction, Love, and Intimacy; Gender Roles, Female Sexuality, and Male Sexuality; Sexual Orientation; Variations in Sexual Behavior; Sexual Coercion; Sex for Sale; Sexual Dysfunction and Sex Therapy; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Ethics, Religion, and Sexuality; Sex and the Law; Sex Education.

E-mail: otronza@i.ua

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