Пропонуємо до Вашої уваги зразки педагогічних досліджень та дидактичних розробок світових вчених та практиків мовою оригіналу.
Ознайомитись із даним зібранням можна, звернувшись до відділу комплектування фондів та наукової обробки літератури бібліотеки Центральноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка.
74.202.20 B87

Brooks, Elaine
Making Peace: a reading/writing/thinking text on global community / E. Brooks, L. Fox. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - 279 p.
Making Peace is at the forefront in providing content-based language instruction through readings on peace education topics such as global community, multiculturalism, human rights, crosscultural understanding, spiritual values, and working for a better world. Reading and writing are integrated throughout with activities to engage students in using and developing analytical and critical thinking skills.
74.200.52 D72

Dondiego, Barbara L.
After-School Craft / B. L. Dondiego ; ill. J. Cawley. - New York : TAB Books, 1992. - 128 p.
After-School Crafts is packed with more than 40 fun and educational projects that are specially designed to promote increased attention spans, improved manual dexterity, better reading and reasoning abilities, and many other valuable skills in elementary school-aged kids.
74.200.544 D80

Dreke, Michael
Wechselspiel. Interaktive Arbeitsblätter für die Partnerarbeit im Deutschunterricht / M. Dreke, W. Lind. - Berlin ; München ; Zurich : Langenscheidt, 1996. - 158 p.
"Wechselspiel" ist ein Arbeitbich für die Hand des lehrers, das die Arbeit mit jedem kurstragenden Lehrbuch im Anfängerß und FortgeschrittenßUnterricht begleitrt und unterstütyt.
74.204 E57

The Enlightened Educator: Research Adventures in the Schools / ed. G. G. Brannigan. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996. - 301 p.
The Enlightened Educator: Research Adventures in the Schools provides readers with in-depth, first-person accounts of research in major areas of education. The book is designed to complement textbooks in educational psychology and research methods, as well as to serve as a primary source in educational seminars.
74.04(7USA) F88

Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Couage / P. Freire. - Lanhat ; Boulder ; New York : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, INC., 1998. - 143 p.
In Pedagogy of Freedom travels ever more deeply into the territory where learning and activism are the essence of human life. This profound new book shows why an engaged way of learning and teaching is central to the creation of the individual, culture, and history.
74.200.545.1 G60

Goldberg, Raymond
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Drugs and Society / R. Goldberg. - 4-th ed. - New York : Dushkin / McGraw-Hill, 2000. - 358 p.
Taking Sides is a debate-style reader designed to introduce students to controversies in drug use and misuse in contemporary society. The reading, which represent the arguments of leading social scientists, health care professionals, and social commentatotrs, reflect a variety of viewpoints and have been selected for their liveliness and substance and because of their value in a debate framework.
74.04(7USA) G64

Goodlad, John I.
In Praise of Education / J. I. Goodlad. - New York ; London : Teachers College Press, 1997. - 187 p.John I. Goodlad, in In Praise of Education, has once again
John I. Goodlad, in In Praise of Education, has once again written a book that will heighten understanding of education and raise the level of public discourse about it.
74.04(7USA) H78

Hoover, Kenneth H.
Secondary / Middle School Teaching: a Handbook for Beginning Teachers and Teacher Self-Renewal / K. H. Hoover. - Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1997. - 366 p.
Currently there is a decided trend toward the development of planned programs for new teachers, It is now recognized that even the best pre-service experiences often need supplementing with a field-based program. In many instances the colleges and universities are cooperating with local schools in developing such programs. Sometimes this entails classes or small groups; occasionally the approach may be wholly individualized. Whatever the system, there is a demand for competency-based experiences to help the beginning teacher become a truly professional teacher and educator. In accomplishing this task, some sort of delivery system is essential. Such is the basic function of this book.
74.202 K43

Kierstead, Fred D.
The Ethnical, Legal, and Multicultural Foundation of Teaching / F. D. Kierstead, P. A. Wagner. - Madison : Brown & Benchmark, 1993. - 207 p.
This book is about the awesome responsibility of teaching. The authors realize that prospective and in-service teachers are not looking for any easy answers to today's educational dilemmas.
74.04(7USA) L79

Lipman, Matthew
Thinking in education / M. Lipman. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. - 280 p.
Thinking in Education describes procedures that must be put in place if students at all levels of education are to become more thoghtful, more reasonable, and more judicious. It recommends that the classroom be converted into a community of inquiry and that thi discipline of philosophy be redesigned so as to provide the concepts and values now missing from the curriculum.
74.03(&ISA) M82

Montgomery, Scott L.
Minds for the Making: The Role of Science in American Education, 1750-1990 / S. L. Montgomery. - New York ; London : The Guilford Press, 1994. - 316 p.
Using a highly original blend of history, social analysis, and cultural criticism, this remarkably enlightening volume offers the first examination to date of the history of science education in America. It reveals the profound impact science has had upon the changing theory, debate, and practice of schooling from the prerevolutionary era through the recent conflicts of the 1980s and 1990s. With a great deal of attention now being turned to the subject of curriculum reform - much of it either aimed at science education itself or else guided by ideas and philosophies that emerged in the past under the rubric of the "scientific" - the need for this book has become particularly.
74.202 R82

Rottenberg, Annette T.
Elements of Argument. A Text and Reader / A. T. Rottenberg. - 7-th ed. - Boston ; New York : Bedford / St. Martin's, 2003. - 756 p.
This book has profited by the critiques and suggestions of reviewers and instructors who responded to a questionnaire.
74.202.20 S81

Studies in Philosophy for Children: Pixie / ed.: A. M. Sharp, R. F. Reed ; souces and references M. Lipman. - Madrid : Ediciones de la Torre, 1996. - 406 p. - (Proyecto Didactico Quiron).
Studies in Philosophy for Children. Pixie includes an invaluable bibliography by Matthew Lipman. It is annotated to provide the sources in philosophical literature of ideas that are presented in Pixie.
74.04(3) T81

Torez, Steven
School and Society: Educational Practice as Social Expression / S. E. Torez, P. C. Violas, G. B. Senese. - New York : McGraw-hill, 1993. - 434 p.
School and Society: Educational Practice as Social Expression is designed for introductory courses in teacher education commonly labeled School and Society, Social Foundations of Education, or simply Foundations of Education, Normally, the purpose of such courses is to provide students with a broad, interdisciplinary examination of the school-society relationship in America and of the many issues embedded in this relationship.
74.04(3) W81

Wolf, Edward C.
Race to Save the Planet : Study Guide / E. C. Wolf. - Boston : WGBH-TV, 1991. - 184 p.
Race to Save the Planet examines the major environmental questions facing the world today, ranging from population growth to soil erosion, from the destruction of forests to climate changes induced by human activity.
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